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Test Builder

Question: Why can’t I access Test Builder? The Test Case Builder option does not appear in the Test Case dropdown.

Answer: In Test Suite Settings, set the Purpose to Build Phase. This will enable the Test Case Builder option available from Test Cases screen > Test Case dropdown.

Question: Why don’t I see the Rebuild option when right-clicking on a test?

Answer: Ensure that the Purpose field in the Test Suite Settings is set to Build Phase. Also, only those tests that were generated from Test Builder can be rebuilt via the right-click menu.

Question: Why is Test Builder returning hidden accrual codes?

Answer: Test Builder will return hidden accrual codes if those codes appear in the Timecard > Accruals add-on tab. The visibility of accrual codes in the Accruals add-on tab is controlled by the FAP setting View Hidden Accrual Policies. Turning this setting off will hide the accrual codes from the Accruals add-on, and consequently, will not be shown by Test Builder.

Question: My Test Builder generated tests will not run in a Test Plan, why?

Answer: Check if Test Builder was successful in generating the expected results (THEN section). If not, Test Builder will input the word “unsuccessful” in each table cell of the THEN action. This causes the test case to become manual, and is depicted by a gray gear icon. To automate the test case, update the expected results. Automated tests are depicted by a green icon as shown below.